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advanced Guestbook for phpBB2

Добавлено: 22.07.2008 19:01

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 *                            lang_guestbook.php
 *                            -------------------
 *   begin                : Wednesday, May 30, 2007
 *   copyright            : (C) 2007 websHoX.org
 *   email                : jojoponn139@googlemail.com
 *   package 		  : Advanced Guestbook for phpBB2 VERSION 3.1.6

$lang['gb_link'] = 'Guestbook';
$lang['gb_title'] = 'Guestbook';
$lang['gb_Guestbook'] = 'Guestbook';
$lang['gb_Admin'] = 'administration';
$lang['gb_value'] = 'Forum Index';
$lang['gb_nentry'] = 'new entry';
$lang['gb_show'] = 'show guestbook';
$lang['gb_alert_noname'] = 'You\'ve forgotten to enter your name';
$lang['gb_alert_nomessage'] = 'You\'ve forgotten to enter your message';
$lang['gb_alert_size'] = 'Your message is to long or to short';
$lang['gb_minmessage'] = 'Your message is too short!';
$lang['gb_maxmessage'] = 'Your message is too long!';
$lang['gb_captl'] = 'Entry incomplete!';
$lang['gb_i_ea'] = 'entered at';
$lang['gb_i_oc'] = 'o\'clock';
$lang['gb_i_submit'] = 'submit';
$lang['gb_i_bb_inf'] = 'infos about BB-Code';
$lang['gb_i_ct'] = 'close all tags';
$lang['gb_i_color'] = 'sign color';
$lang['gb_i_s_size'] = 'sign size';
$lang['gb_i_align'] = 'sign align';
$lang['gb_i_tiny'] = 'tiny';
$lang['gb_i_small'] = 'small';
$lang['gb_i_normal'] = 'normal';
$lang['gb_i_large'] = 'large';
$lang['gb_i_huge'] = 'huge';
$lang['gb_i_center'] = 'center';
$lang['gb_i_right'] = 'right';
$lang['gb_i_left'] = 'left';
$lang['gb_i_justify'] = 'justify';
$lang['gb_e_msgs'] = 'incorrect captcha value!';
$lang['gb_e_success'] = 'Your entry was added successfully.';
$lang['gb_e_failure'] = 'ERROR: There was a strong error.';
$lang['gb_c_eic'] = 'entry incorrect!';
$lang['gb_c_ec'] = 'entry correct.';
$lang['gb_v_inf'] = 'visit';
$lang['gb_w_inf'] = 'doesn\'t exist';
$lang['gb_i_ip'] = 'IP';
$lang['gb_i_ipstat_yes'] = 'logged';
$lang['gb_i_ipstat_no'] = 'NOT logged'; 
$lang['gb_i_name'] = 'name';
$lang['gb_i_webs'] = 'website';
$lang['gb_i_capt'] = 'Captcha';
$lang['gb_i_sml'] = 'smilies';
$lang['gb_adm_title'] = 'Guestbook administration';
$lang['gb_adm_i_eps'] = 'entries / page';
$lang['gb_adm_cs'] = 'changeable settings';
$lang['gb_adm_bgc'] = 'GB-background color';
$lang['gb_adm_mp'] = 'min. postlength';
$lang['gb_adm_sg'] = 'signs';
$lang['gb_adm_map'] = 'max. postlength';
$lang['gb_adm_c'] = 'set';
$lang['gb_adm_sb'] = 'reset';
$lang['gb_adm_ee'] = 'edit entries';
$lang['gb_adm_na'] = 'not available';
$lang['gb_adm_ei'] = 'entry';
$lang['gb_adm_se'] = 'The system entry can\'t get edited or deleted';
$lang['gb_adm_eoe'] = 'edit entry';
$lang['gb_adm_eod'] = 'delete entry';
$lang['gb_adm_erru'] = 'Couldn\'t delete settings. Please check CHMOD';
$lang['gb_adm_errw'] = 'Couldn\'t write settings. WARNING: MAYBE THE SETTINGS ARE UNSET NOW -- SO NOBODY CAN SIGNIN THE GB!<br />- CHECK CHMOD!';
$lang['gb_adm_vers_in'] = 'version';
$lang['gb_adm_vers_ok'] = 'Your guestbook is up to date.';
$lang['gb_adm_vers_bdf'] = 'Your guestbook is out of date!';
$lang['gb_adm_vers_bds'] = 'download current version';
$lang['gb_adm_vers_err'] = 'Couldn\'t check version!';
$lang['gb_adm_tc'] = 'text-color';
$lang['gb_adm_l_cp'] = 'color-pattern';
$lang['gb_adm_f_info_h'] = 'font-sizes';
$lang['gb_adm_f_size_f'] = 'size 1';
$lang['gb_adm_f_size_s'] = 'size 2';
$lang['gb_adm_f_size_t'] = 'size 3';
$lang['gb_adm_f_info'] = '"Links" is size of the links in top of GB (like "new entry").
	   <br />Size "1" is the font-size of the area in the top, where you find date and time of the entry and size of text: registered when poster was logged-in.
	   <br />Size "2" is the font-size of the area in the left, where you find informations about the post-writer.
	   <br />Size "3" is the font-size of the main-area, where you find the message.';
$lang['gb_adm_adm'] = 'administration';
$lang['gb_adm_d_t'] = 'date/time';
$lang['gb_adm_del_ask'] = 'Do you really want to delete this entry?';
$lang['gb_adm_e_func'] = 'ERROR: The function you\'ve called doesn\'t exist!';
$lang['gb_adm_btm'] = 'back to menu';
$lang['gb_adm_i_es'] = 'Entry successful edited.';
$lang['gb_adm_i_ew'] = 'You tried to change the name of the poster. This is forbidden when the poster is a registered member!';
$lang['gb_adm_i_ed'] = 'Entry successful deleted.';
$lang['gb_adm_i_edd'] = 'There was an error during deleting the entry!';
$lang['gb_adm_kf'] = 'There was an error during data transfer!';
$lang['gb_adm_es'] = 'Settings successful modified.';
$lang['gb_adm_f_link'] = 'links';
$lang['gb_adm_gb_l'] = 'GB-links';
$lang['gb_i_hex'] = '(HEX)';
$lang['gb_adm_colors'] = 'colors';
$lang['gb_adm_other_settings'] = 'other settings';
$lang['gb_adm_t_l'] = 't-links';
$lang['gb_adm_s_info'] = 'GB-links is the color of the links in the guestbook (e.g. add entry).<br />
			  T-links is the color of links in the text of a post.<br />
			  - If you want that the links are underlined you\'ve to check the relevant checkbox.<br />
			  - If you don\'t want to change the standard link-design write "no" into the input-area.';
$lang['gb_adm_oed_1'] = 'Access entry';
$lang['gb_adm_oed_2'] = 'directly';
$lang['gb_adm_check_version'] = 'Checking version...';
$lang['gb_adm_ok'] = 'ok';
$lang['gb_adm_use_gd2'] = 'Use GD2lib (captcha)';
$lang['gb_adm_zia'] = '0 = all entries';
$lang['gb_upd_btadm'] = 'back to the admin-area';
$lang['gb_registered'] = 'registered';
$lang['gb_i_page_prev'] = 'previous page';
$lang['gb_i_page_next'] = 'next page';
$lang['gb_i_page_this'] = 'page';
$lang['gb_i_ajax_inf'] = '- The feature to get a captcha-feedback directly may don\'t work correctly on older systems.<br />
			  - Although you can add an entry to the guestbook!';
$lang['gb_check_database'] = 'There was an error. Please check the database.';
