Уважаемые пользователи!
C 7 ноября 2020 года phpBB Group прекратила выпуск обновлений и завершила дальнейшее развитие phpBB версии 3.2.
С 1 августа 2024 года phpBB Group прекращает поддержку phpBB 3.2 на официальном сайте.
Сайт официальной русской поддержки phpBB Guru продолжит поддержку phpBB 3.2 до 31 декабря 2024 года.
С учетом этого, настоятельно рекомендуется обновить конференции до версии 3.3.


Ответы на вопросы, связанные с локализацией модов для phpBB 2.0.x
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 12
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев


Сообщение spiritsey »

Уважаемые пользователи!
Оказываю помощь в переводе англоязычных модов для форумов phpBB 2.0.x.
Администраторов и модераторов прошу не удалять это сообщение. Так как я хочу помочь пользователям в проблеме, с которой и я в свое время столкнулся, это переводе англоязычных модов.
Заранее спасибо. Заявки на перевод модов присылать сюда: serco1983@mail.ru Желательно указуйте месторасположение модов и название.

Сообщение Stas! »

А оказываете платно или бесплатно?
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 12
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщение spiritsey »

Бесплатно! :wink:
phpBB 1.0.0
Сообщения: 5
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщение zellatin »

есть ли у кого Attachment Mod Ukrainian pack для phpBB 2.0.x?
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 12
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщение spiritsey »

Давайте ссылку на мод, помогу.
Аватара пользователя
phpBB 1.0.0
Сообщения: 7
Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев
Откуда: msk

Сообщение Grach »

Последний раз редактировалось Grach 26.01.2008 21:17, всего редактировалось 2 раза.
phpBB 1.2.1
Сообщения: 25
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщение Moscow »

Переведите пож этот текст ( мод virtual life hack 0.7.5)
Буду оч благодарен

Код: Выделить всё


$lang['allow_multiple_marriages'] = "Allow multiple marriages:";
$lang['allow_gay_marriages'] = "Allow gay marriages:";
$lang['show_proposes'] = "Display marriages that have not yet started in the marriage list:";
$lang['show_divorces'] = "Display marriages that have ended in the marriage list:";
$lang['show_divorces_row'] = "Display the collumn that shows marriages that have ended in the marriage list:";
$lang['allow_marriage_pm'] = "Enable or disable the sending of pms by the marriage hack:";
$lang['allow_marriage_email'] = "Enable or disable the sending of emails by the marriage hack<br />(WARNING: if you disable both email and pm in the marriage hack config pms will be sent):";
$lang['allow_death_funny'] = "Enable or disable funny death causes:";
$lang['allow_partner_limit'] = "Set here the limit of the number of partners a user can have:";
$lang['allow_children_limit'] = "Set here the limit of the number of children a couple can have:";
$lang['forum_pastor'] = "Forum Pastor:";
$lang['forum_grim_reaper'] = "Forum Grim Reaper:";
$lang['current'] = "Current:";
$lang['marriage_wrap_first_uname'] = "Set the maximum length of the first person you married his/her nickname before there is a <br /> added before it.<br />(set 0 to disable)";
$lang['Marriage_config_updated'] = 'Marriage Configuration Updated Successfully';

$lang['heart_post_icon'] = "Heart";
$lang['Awaiting_awnser'] = 'Awaiting answer'; 
$lang['Partner'] = 'Partner'; 
$lang['partner'] = 'partner'; 
$lang['Partners'] = 'Partners'; 
$lang['Partners_2'] = 'Partner(s)'; 
$lang['Marriage_me'] = '<a href="%s">Marry me</a>'; 
$lang['Confirm_divorce'] = 'Are you sure you want to divorce %s?';
$lang['Confirm_marriage'] = 'Are you sure you want to marry %s?<br /><br />Total progress of getting married: %s<br />Progress of your part getting married: %s';
$lang['Divorce_me'] = 'Divorce me';
$lang['Divorce'] = 'Divorce';
$lang['he'] = 'he';
$lang['she'] = 'she';
$lang['Yes'] = 'Yes';
$lang['No'] = 'No';
$lang['Marriage_notification_subject'] = "There is a new event on %s -> %s";
$lang['Marriage_notification_subject_long'] = "There is a new event on %s -> %s -> %s";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal']['Short'] = 'Proposal';
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal']['Long']['You'] = "%s proposed you.\r\nTake your time to decide what to do.";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal']['Long']['Me'] = "You proposed %s.\r\nIt can take some time before you get a response on this so be patient!!!";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal_accepted']['Short'] = 'Proposal accepted';
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal_accepted']['Long']['You'] = "%s proposed you.\r\nAnd you accepted, congratulations, you are now married!";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Proposal_accepted']['Long']['Me'] = "You proposed %s.\r\nAnd %s accepted, congratulations, you are now married!";
$lang['Marriage_list_start'] = "Start of the marriage";
$lang['Marriage_list_stop'] = "End of the marriage";
$lang['Not_yet_divorced'] = "This couple isn't divorced yet.";
$lang['Not_yet_married'] = "This couple isn't married yet.";
$lang['Marriage_list'] = "Marriage List";
$lang['Church'] = 'Church';
$lang['Proposal_pm'] = "Hi, someone just proposed you, [sid_url=%s]click here[/sid_url] to see who it is. Make a wise choose ;).";
$lang['Ppl_w_p_y'] = "People who proposed you";
$lang['Yes_I_do'] = "Yes I do";
$lang['NO_I_won_t'] = "NO I won't";
$lang['Children'] = "Children";
$lang['children'] = "children";
$lang['Child'] = "Child";
$lang['child'] = "child";
$lang['Children_2'] = "Child(ren)";
$lang['Parents'] = "Parents";
$lang['Parent'] = "Parent";
$lang['parent'] = "parent";
$lang['Sex'] = "Sex";
$lang['Adopt_child'] = '<a href="%s">Adopt a child</a>'; 
$lang['Make_child'] = '<a href="%s">Make a child</a>'; 
$lang['Confirm_child_suggestion'] = 'Are you sure you want to %s chidren with %s?';
$lang['Child_suggestion_pm'] = "Hi, %s wants to %s a child with you, [sid_url=%s]click here to accept[/sid_url] or [sid_url=%s]click here to refuse[/sid_url]. Make a wise choose ;).";
$lang['Adopt_pm'] = 'adopt';
$lang['Make_pm'] ='make';
$lang['Adopt_pm_2'] = 'Adoption';
$lang['Make_pm_2'] ='Child making Partner';
$lang['Make_pm_3'] ='Child making Parents';
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child']['Short'] = 'Child';
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child']['Long']['You'] = "%s wants to %s a child with you.\r\nTake your time to decide what to do.";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child']['Long']['Me'] = "You asked %s to %s a child with you.\r\nIt can take some time before you get response on this so be patient!!!";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child_accepted']['Short'] = 'Child accepted';
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child_accepted']['Long']['You'] = "%s wanted to %s a child with you.\r\nAnd you accepted, congratulations, you have %s as child now!";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child_accepted']['Long']['Me'] = "You asked %s to %s a child with you.\r\nAnd %s accepted, congratulations, you have %s as child now!";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child_accepted']['Long']['Child'] = "Hi,\r\n You just have becom the child of %s and %s.\r\n\r\nThis means they will allways be your parrents on %s until they die (get deleted) or till you die. There is no way back.\r\nThe selection on whois gonne be thier child is automatic so no one can mess with it.";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Child_accepted']['Long']['Child_pm'] = "Hi,\r\n You just have becom the child of %s and %s. See the email on this for more information.";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Death']['Partner'] = "Hi,\r\nI'm here to tell you some bad news. Please sit down and take a deep breath.\r\nYour partner %s, %s.\r\nI'm sorry.\r\nYours sincerely,\r\n%s";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Death']['Parent'] = "Hi,\r\nI'm here to tell you some bad news. Please sit down and take a very deep breath.\r\nYour child %s, %s.\r\nI'm sorry.\r\nYours sincerely,\r\n%s";
$lang['Marriage_events']['Death']['Child'] = "Hi,\r\nI'm here to tell you some bad news. Please sit down and take a deep breath.\r\nYour parent %s, %s.\r\nI'm sorry.\r\nYours sincerely,\r\n%s";
$lang['Death'] = 'Death';
$lang['marriage_redirect'] = "\r\n<script language=\"javascript\">\r\n<!-- \r\n\tfunction redirect()\r\n\t{\r\n\t\tdocument.location = '%s';\r\n\t}\r\n\tsetTimeout(\"redirect()\", 3000);\r\n// -->\r\n</script>\r\n<b>Please wait redirecting you:</b><br /><i>%s</i>";
$lang['marriage_redirect_userlist'] = "Processing delete of users for the Marriage HACK.<br />Next step number %s of %s.";
$lang['marriage_del_user_list_done'] = "The processing of the userlist is completed...";
$lang['Real_Life_dd'] = 'Virtual Life:';

$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has died in a car crash";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "had a heartattack";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has died of cancer";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has passed away after a brief illness";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has passed away after a lengthy illness";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has died due to complications with an ongoing disease";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "died peacefully while sleeping";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "has died suddenly after an accident";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['normal'][] = "died suddenly without any known causes";

$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "has been abducted by aliens";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "has been run over by a herd of wild rabbits";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "ran off to join the circus";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "joined a cult";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "took the blue pill";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "took the red pill";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "took the blue and red pill and disapeard into haze";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "was kidnapped by a secret government organization";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "joined a team of superheroes";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "joined a team of supervillians";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "was sucked into a blackhole";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "was eaten by a dog";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "murdered by an escaped lunatic";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "killed by the blast of a falling meteorite";
$lang['marriage_death_reasons']['funny'][] = "eaten alive by ants";

$lang['Girl_friend'] = 'Girlfriend';
$lang['Boy_friend'] = 'Boyfriend';
$lang['girl_friend'] = 'girlfriend';
$lang['boy_friend'] = 'boyfriend';

$lang['Father'] = 'Father';
$lang['father'] = 'father';
$lang['Mother'] = 'Mother';
$lang['mother'] = 'mother';

$lang['son'] = 'son';
$lang['Son'] = 'Son';
$lang['daughter'] = 'daughter';
$lang['Daughter'] = 'Daughter';

$lang['his'] = 'his';
$lang['her'] = 'her';

$lang['year'] = 'year';
$lang['years'] = 'years';

$lang['Hello'] = 'Hello';

$lang['Select_action'] = 'Select action';

// Error messages

$lang['hacking_attempt'] = "Hacking Attempt!!!!!!";

$lang['child_suggestion_send'] = "Child Suggestion Send.<br />Please be patient!!!";
$lang['child_error_not_married'] = "It seems you and %s are not married together.";
$lang['child_wrong_link'] = "It seems there is some thing wrong with the link you used.";
$lang['child_succes'] = "You and %s have %s as %s now.";
$lang['child_max_children_or_ill_suggest'] = "It seems you and %s have already the maximum number of children allowed or this is an illegal suggestion.";
$lang['child_not_married'] = "It seems you and %s are not married together.";
$lang['child_wrong_link'] = "It seems there is some thing wrong with the link you used.";
$lang['child_refused'] = "You refused %s's to %s a child.";
$lang['child_illegal_suggestion'] = "This is an illegal suggestion.";

$lang['church_your_progress_marriage'] = "Progress of your part getting married: ";
$lang['church_total_progress_marriage'] = "Total progress of getting married: ";
$lang['church_not_married'] = "You're not married.<br />" . $lang['church_total_progress_marriage'] . "Cancelled<br />" . $lang['church_your_progress_marriage'] . "Cancelled";
$lang['church_married'] = "You're now married.<br />" . $lang['church_total_progress_marriage'] . "%s<br />" . $lang['church_your_progress_marriage'] . "%s";
$lang['church_your_not_old_enough'] = "Your not old enought to marry %1\$s you have to wait %2\$s before you can marry %1\$s.<br />Your current progress of you becoming %3\$s is:<br />%4\$s";
$lang['church_other_not_old_enough'] = "%1\$s is not old enought to marry you, you have to wait %2\$s before you can marry %1\$s.<br />%1\$s's current progress of you becoming %3\$s is:<br />%4\$s";
$lang['church_marriage_question_send'] = "Marriage Question Send.<br />Please be patient!!!<br /><br />Total progress of getting married: %s<br />Progress of your part getting married: %s";
$lang['church_no_2_partners'] = "You aren't allowed to have to partners!!!";
$lang['church_to_late_beaten'] = "Sorry you're to late, the user who proposed you in the meantime already got married with another user.";
$lang['church_limit'] = "Your aren't allowed to have more then %s partners.";
$lang['church_to_late_beaten_limit'] = "Sorry you're to late, the user who proposed you in the meantime already got married with another user and reaced the %s partners limit set by the board admin.";
$lang['church_cant_double'] = "You cant marry some one twice!!!";
$lang['church_cant_marry_myself'] = "I never saw some one that was that sad he wanted to marry himself!!!";

$lang['divorce_progress'] = "<br /><br />Progress of divorce: %s";
$lang['divorce_done'] = "You're now divorced";

// Last added

$lang['Human'] = 'Human';
$lang['human'] = 'human';

$lang['Man'] = 'Man';
$lang['man'] = 'man';

$lang['Boy'] = 'Boy';
$lang['boy'] = 'boy';

$lang['Woman'] = 'Woman';
$lang['woman'] = 'woman';

$lang['Girl'] = 'Girl';
$lang['girl'] = 'girl';


phpBB 1.0.0
Сообщения: 4
Стаж: 19 лет 5 месяцев
Откуда: Украина г. Никополь

Сообщение Лёва »

Интересует на русском языке вот этот вот мод
[2.0.20] Profile guestbook
http://forum.en.net.ua/ - наш Никопольский форум
http://portal.en.net.ua/ - Никопольский портал
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 12
Стаж: 17 лет 8 месяцев

Сообщение spiritsey »

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