Код: Выделить всё
$lang['Lang_extend_topic_calendar'] = 'Topic Calendar';
$lang['auth_calendar'] = 'Create new calendar events';
$lang = array_merge(empty($lang) ? array() : $lang, array(
'Calendar' => 'Calendar',
'Calendar_event' => 'Calendar event',
'Calendar_one_day' => 'Event starting %s for one day',
'Calendar_many_days' => 'Event starting %s for %d days',
'Calendar_one_hour' => 'Event starting %s for one hour',
'Calendar_many_hours' => 'Event starting %s for %d hours',
'Calendar_from_to' => 'Event from %s to %s',
'Calendar_from' => 'Event: %s',
'Calendar_adjusted' => '(adjusted to match your timezone difference, which is %01.2f hours)',
'Calendar_age' => '(%02d year old)',
'Rules_calendar_can' => 'You <b>can</b> post calendar events in this forum',
'Rules_calendar_cannot' => 'You <b>cannot</b> post calendar events in this forum',
'Calendar_scheduler' => 'Scheduler',
'Calendar_event_birthday' => 'Birthday',
'Calendar_event_dated' => 'Events',
'Calendar_event_scheduled' => 'Time scheduled events',
'Select_date' => 'Select date',
'Select_hour' => 'Select hour',
'Select_event_cat' => 'Select event category',
'No_events' => 'No events',
'Calendar_settings' => 'Calendar settings',
'Calendar_use_java' => 'Use javascript to display the calendar',
'Calendar_overview' => 'Display an overview of the events in the calendar',
'Calendar_week_start' => 'First day of the week',
'Calendar_header_cells' => 'Number of cells to display on the board header (0 for no display)',
'Calendar_title_length' => 'Length of the title displayed in the calendar cells (0 for all)',
'Calendar_text_length' => 'Length of the text displayed in the overview (0 for all)',
'Calendar_display_open' => 'Display the calendar row on the board header opened',
'Calendar_nb_row' => 'Number of row per cell',
'Override_user_choice' => 'Override user choice',
'Default' => 'Default',
'Sorry_auth_cal' => 'Sorry, but only %s can post calendar events in this forum.',
'Calendar_duration' => 'During',
'Date_error' => 'month %02d, day %02d, year %04d is not a valid date',
'Event_time' => 'Event time',
'Minutes' => 'Minutes',
'Today' => 'Today',