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Код: Выделить всё
$lang['Invitations'] = 'Invitations';
$lang['Invitations_Config']= 'Configuration';
$lang['Invites_explore'] = 'Information';
$lang['Invitations_list'] = 'List';
$lang['Add_invite'] = 'New';
$lang['Add_invites'] = 'Add Invites';
$lang['Auto_activate_group_membership'] = 'Auto-activate group membership?';
$lang['Click_return_invite_config'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the Invitation Configuration';
$lang['Click_return_invite_generation'] = 'Click %sHere%s to generate another code';
$lang['Click_return_invite_edit'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the edit page';
$lang['Click_return_view_invite_data'] = 'Click %sHere%s to view the Invitation';
$lang['Click_return_invite_list'] = 'Click %sHere%s to return to the list page.';
$lang['Default_invite_subject'] = 'You have been invited to join %s';
$lang['Default_invite_message'] = 'Hi, You have been invited to join our community; use the Invitation code at the end of the message to register at: ';
$lang['Disable'] = 'disable';
$lang['Enable'] = 'enable';
$lang['Edit_invite'] = 'Edit invitation';
$lang['Edit_invite_text'] = 'Here you can change the settings for an existing invitation code. Changing fields on this page may cause other pages to display incorrect data.';
//$lang['Email'] = '
$lang['Email_sent'] = 'Invitation-Email sent.';
$lang['Invitation_email_sent'] = 'Email(s) sent to';
$lang['Explore_group_sent_invites'] = 'Invites sent';
$lang['Explore_group_sent_invites_explain'] = 'Invites sent on behalf of this usergroup';
$lang['Explore_invite_group'] = 'Group Invite Stats';
$lang['Explore_invite_group_explain'] = 'This shows the Invite-Relationships(who was invited into this group; how many...) of the selected usergroup.';
$lang['Explore_invite_invite'] = 'Invitation Stats';
$lang['Explore_invite_invite_explain'] = 'This shows the stats about the selected Invitation Code. (sender, users, uses,...)';
$lang['Explore_invite_user'] = 'User Invite Stats';
$lang['Explore_user_explain'] = 'This shows the Invite-Relationships (who was invited by this user, which invites were sent...) of the selected user.'; ;
$lang['Explore_invited_group_explain'] = 'Users invited';
$lang['Explore_invited_group_user'] = 'Users who were invited into this group.';
$lang['Explore_invited_users'] = 'Members invited';
$lang['Explore_invited_users_explain_group'] = 'User(s) who were invited into this group.';
$lang['Explore_invited_users_explain_member'] = 'User(s) who were invited by this member.';
$lang['Explore_invited_users_explain_invite'] = 'User(s) who used this invite.';
$lang['Explore_user_sent_invites'] = 'Invites sent';
$lang['Explore_user_sent_invites_explain'] = 'Invites sent by this user';
$lang['Fill_out_all_fields'] = 'Please fill out all fields';
$lang['Fill_out_email_fields'] ='In order to send a mail, all fields have to be filled out.';
$lang['Give_invites_all'] = 'Give invites to all members';
$lang['Give_invites_all_explain'] = 'Modify the amount of invites available to each registered user';
$lang['Give_invites_all_grops'] = 'Give invites to all groups';
$lang['Give_invites_all_groups_explain'] = 'Modify the amount of invites available to each usegroup. Group invites can be used by the group moderators.';
$lang['Give_invites_title'] = 'Give Invites';
$lang['Give_invites_title_explain'] = 'Functions to modify the invite-allowance of several members/groups at once. You can either set the amount or add additional invites. Use the User/Group management for individual users.';
$lang['Invitation_additional_rules'] = 'Rule-Additions:';
$lang['Invitation_additional_rules_explain'] = 'This text will be shown on the \'Invitation Only\' page. It should contain directions on how to obtain an Invitation. Note that there is a 250 characters limit.';
$lang['Invitation_code'] = 'Invitation Code';
$lang['Invitation_description'] = 'Invitation Description';
$lang['Invitation_group'] = 'auto-join group';
$lang['Invitation_id'] = 'ID';
$lang['Used_invitation_id'] = 'Used Invitation #';
$lang['Invitation_mode_setting'] = 'Mode';
$lang['Invitation_mode_setting_explain'] ='Setting this to "disabled" will remove the "Invitation Code" field from the registration form. "Optional" will leave the field there, but as an optional one. "Invitation Only" will close the board for registrations without code - users without code won\'t get to the registration page.';
$lang['Invitation_only'] = 'Invitation Only';
$lang['Invitation_sender'] = 'Invitation Sender';
$lang['Invitation_sender_name'] ='Invitation Sender Name';
$lang['Invitation_u2u_setting'] = 'U2U Invites';
$lang['Invitation_u2u_setting_explain'] ='This configures the User to (wannabe) User aspect of the mod. "Disabled" will forbid non-Admin users from sending invitations. "Hide" removes the link to the invite page for memebers with no invites left (Note that this ignores group-invites). "Enabled" will show the link even for members without invites.';
$lang['Invitation_user_count'] = 'Number of Users invited';
$lang['Invitation_users'] = 'Number of users';
$lang['Invitation_uses'] ='Uses';
$lang['Invitation_uses_explain'] ='An invitation can be re-usable for several registrations. \'-1\' for no limit.';
$lang['Invitation_uses_left'] = 'Uses left';
$lang['Invitations_config'] = 'Configure Invitations';
$lang['Invite_config_explain'] = 'Configure the "Invitation only" Mod. Most function can be enabled or disabled here.';
$lang['Invite_created'] ='Invitation created';
$lang['Invite_general_settings'] = 'Global Invitation Options';
$lang['Invite_u2u_hide'] ='Hide';
$lang['Invited_by'] ='Invited by';
$lang['Invited_count'] = 'Number of Members invited';
$lang['Invited_with'] = 'Used Invite #';
$lang['Invites'] ='Invites';
$lang['Invites_left'] = 'Invites left';
$lang['Invites_sent'] = 'Number of Invitations sent';
$lang['Invites_updated'] = ' Invites updated';
$lang['List_all_invites'] =' List all Invitations';
$lang['List_all_invites_explain'] ='This list shows informations about all Invitation codes in the database.';
$lang['Look_up_invitation_data'] ='Explore Invitation';
$lang['Look_up_invitation_data_explain'] ='Explore the invite relationships. You can start either at a group, a user or an invitation.';
$lang['look_up_invite'] ='Explore Invitation';
$lang['Member_longer_than'] ='Has been a member for more days than';
$lang['Member_shorter_than'] = 'Has been a member for fewer days than';
$lang['Moderates_group'] = 'Moderates Group';
$lang['No_invite_id_specified'] = ' No invitation ID specified';
$lang['Only_alphanumeric'] = 'Only alphanumeric values are allowed for invitation passcodes';
$lang['Optional'] = 'optional';
$lang['Resend_mail'] ='Resend invitation mail';
$lang['Resend_mail_text'] ='Here you can send an invitation mail based on an existing passcode.';
$lang['Select_a_User'] ='Select an User';
$lang['Select_group'] ='Select a group';
$lang['Select_sort_method'] ='Sort by';
$lang['Send_new_mail'] ='Send a new invitation mail';
$lang['Set_invites'] ='Set Invites';
$lang['Give_invites_rank_explain'] = 'Give invites based on a rank. The rank can be either special or post-count based; note that in the latter case all members with the post-count required by the rank will receive the invites - even if they hold a special rank.';
$lang['Give_invites_rank'] ='Give invites to a rank';
$lang['Give_invites_time'] ='Give invites based on the Registration Date';
$lang['Give_invites_time_explain'] = 'Give invites to members who registered in a certain timeframe. Leaving a field blank will leave the frame open on that end. ';
$lang['Add_set']= 'Add/Set';
$lang['Amount'] = 'Amount';
$lang['Group'] = 'Group';
$lang['Rank'] = 'Rank';
$lang['Give_invites_groupmembers'] = 'Give invites to the memers of a group';
$lang['Give_invites_groupmembers_explain'] = 'This will affect all memebrs of the usergroup.';
$lang['Invite_updated'] = 'Invitation updated';
$lang['Invitation_code_constraints'] ='Leave this field blank to generate a random code. Codes may only use alphanumeric characters and may not be longer than 8 charachters (and should not be shorter). Codes have to be unique.';
$lang['Generate_new_invite'] = 'Generate a new Invitation';
$lang['Generate_new_invite_text'] = 'This page generates custom invitations not associated with any user or group(not even the Admin). These codes can be customized. Leave the Recipient field blank, if you don\'t want to send an email.';
$lang['Invite_email'] ='invitation E-Mail';
$lang['Invite_delete_explain'] = 'Click here to delete this Invitation; this cannot be undone.';
$lang['Invite_removed'] = 'Invitation deleted';
$lang['Infinite'] = 'infinite';
// That's all Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------
Код: Выделить всё
$lang['Invitation_code_invalid'] ='The entered Invitation Code is invalid.';
$lang['Invitation'] = 'Invitation Code';
$lang['Invitation_optional'] ='If you have an Invitation Code, you can enter it here. ';
$lang['Invitation_mandantory'] ='You need to enter an Invitation Code to register on this board.';
$lang['No_invites'] ='No invites left';
$lang['One_invite_left']='One invite left';
$lang['Invites_left'] = 'invites left';
$lang['Invite_a_friend']='Invite a friend';
$lang['Invitation_sent_subject'] ='Invitation sent';
$lang['Invitation_sent_body']= 'Hi, this is an automatic PM containing the information about an Invitation sent by you. Contact the board admin, should there be any problem. ';
$lang['Invitation_sent_email'] = 'Invite-mail sent to';
$lang['Submit_code']='Submit Code';
$lang['Enter_code']='Enter Code';
$lang['Invitation_only_message'] = 'Hi, we are sorry to inform you that we do not accept anonymous registrations at the moment. As a result you need an Invitation Code to register. <br /> If you have an invitation passcode, you can enter it in the field below. <br /> Thank you for your understanding.';
$lang['Board_invitation_only']= 'This is an Invitation Only Board';
$lang['Invitation_accepted_body'] = 'This is an automated message to inform you that a user has accepted your invitation.';
$lang['Invitation_accepted_subject'] = 'A member has accepted your invitation';
$lang['Function_disabled_by_admin'] ='The Board Administrator has disabled this function.';
$lang['No_invites_left'] = 'You have no invites left.';
$lang['Send_invite'] = 'Send an Invitation';
$lang['Group_moderator_invite'] ='Invite created by Group Moderator. Date:';
$lang['Single_user_invite'] = 'Invite created by User. Date:';
$lang['Private'] = 'Private User';
$lang['Invite_role'] ='Send Invitation as';
$lang['Invite_role_explain'] =' You are moderating one or more groups. As the group moderator you can invite on behalf of the group; the invitation will be deducted from the group\'s allowance. Members invited on behalf of a group will auto-join that group on registration.';
$lang['Auto_activate_group'] ='Auto-activate Group membership?';
$lang['Add_new_invite_text'] = 'Here you can send an Invitation-email to a friend. Sending will reduce your invite allowance by one; ask the Board Admin for more invites. The email will include your forum username, your current IP address and your email address.';
$lang['Invite_sent'] = 'Your Invitation has been sent. You will receive a confirmation-PM and a copy of the Invitation mail shortly.';
$lang['Group_send_invite_explain'] = 'Invite someone to join the board on behalf of this group.';
$lang['Have_to_enter_a_subject'] = 'Please enter a subject.';
$lang['Have_to_enter_a_address'] = 'Please enter a recipient.';
$lang['Have_to_enter_a_message'] = 'Please enter a message.';
// That's all, Folks!
// -------------------------------------------------