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Запрос на локализацию Configuration Map

Ответы на вопросы, связанные с локализацией модов для phpBB 2.0.x
phpBB 1.2.1
Сообщения: 20
Стаж: 18 лет 7 месяцев

Запрос на локализацию Configuration Map

Сообщение Dante »

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 *                            lang_config_map.php [English]
 *                              -------------------
 *     begin                : Sat Aug 14 2004
 *     copyright            : (C) 2004 Shof515
 *     email                : shof515@gmail.com

 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 *   (at your option) any later version.

$lang['map'] = 'Configuration Map';
$lang['map_explain'] = 'The configuration map is a quick reference guide to the layout and features of the Administration Panel. New administrators are advised to study this to become familiar with the different options available. Clicking on a link will open the page containing the feature it describes.';
$lang['General'] = 'General Admin';
$lang['Users'] = 'User Admin';
$lang['Groups'] = 'Group Admin';
$lang['Forums'] = 'Forum Admin';
$lang['Styles'] = 'Styles Admin';
$lang['Main_index'] = 'Forum Index';
$lang['Forum_stats'] = 'Forum Statistics';
$lang['Admin_Index'] = 'Admin Index';
$lang['Preview_forum'] = 'Preview Forum';
$lang['inside'] = 'Configuration Settings in the files:';
$lang['inside_explain'] = 'Each category shown below lists a group of related actions.';
$lang['usermanagement'] = 'User Management';
$lang['Manage'] = 'Management';
$lang['Edit_Category'] = 'Add/Edit Category';
$lang['Edit_forum'] = 'Add/Edit Forums';
$lang['Delete_forum'] = 'Edit/Delete Forums';
$lang['Delete_forum'] = 'Edit/Delete Forums';
$lang['Resync_move'] = 'Resync/Move Forums';
$lang['Premission'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['mission'] = 'Forum Permissions';
$lang['Pruning'] = 'Pruning';
$lang['Prune'] = 'Deletes topics';
// General Admin
$lang['Database_Backup'] = 'Backup Database';
$lang['Backup'] = 'Downloads your database';
$lang['Configuration'] = 'Configuration';
$lang['Config'] = 'Changes board settings like Allow Smilies,etc. ';
$lang['roadmap'] = 'Shows Configuration links on one page';
$lang['email'] = 'Mass Email';
$lang['emailme'] = 'Sends an email to all users on your board';
$lang['restore'] = 'Restore Database';
$lang['restoreme'] = 'Restores your datbase from a backup';
$lang['smile'] = 'Smilies';
$lang['bigsmile'] = 'Add/Edit/Delete Emoticons';
$lang['word'] = 'Word Censors';
$lang['badword'] = 'Add/Edit/Delete words that will be automatically censored';
// Group
$lang['groupman'] = 'Management';
$lang['usergroup'] = 'Delete/Create/Edit User Groups';
$lang['grouppre'] = 'Permissions';
$lang['groupmis'] = 'Permissions and Moderator status assigned to each user group';
// Styles
$lang['Stylesadd'] = 'Add';
$lang['Stylesin'] = 'Install a Style';
$lang['Stylesmake'] = 'Create';
$lang['Stylemaking'] = 'Create a Style';
$lang['Stylesexport'] = 'Export';
$lang['Stylexp'] = 'Export theme data';
$lang['Styleman'] = 'Management';
$lang['Stylemange'] = 'Edit or delete Styles';
$lang['Usersbann'] = 'Ban Control';
$lang['Usersbanning'] = 'Control the banning of users';
$lang['Usersdisallow'] = 'Disallow names';
$lang['Usersallow'] = 'Control usernames which will not be allowed to be used';
$lang['Usersman']  = 'Management';
$lang['Usersmange']  = 'Change users information';
$lang['Userspre']  = 'Permissions';
$lang['Userspremission']  = 'Permissions and Moderator status to users';
$lang['Usersrank']  = 'Ranks';
$lang['Usersranking']  = 'Add/Edit/View/Delete Ranks';
$lang['generallist']  = 'Configuration';
$lang['generalboard']  = 'General Board Settings';
$lang['domainname']  = 'Domain Name';  	
$lang['serverport']  = 'Server Port';
$lang['scriptpath']  = 'Script path';
$lang['sitename'] =  'Site name';
$lang['sitedesc'] =  'Site description'; 	
$lang['disableboard'] =  'Disable board';
$lang['accountact'] =  'Enable account activation';
$lang['emailboard'] =  'User email via board';
$lang['emailother'] =  'Users  email  each other';
$lang['flood'] =  'Flood Interval';
$lang['wait'] =  'Seconds between posts';	
$lang['topicpage'] =  'Topics Per Page'; 	
$lang['postspage'] =  'Posts Per Page';	
$lang['popularthres'] =  'Posts for Popular Threshold'; 	
$lang['defaultstyle'] =  'Default Style';	
$lang['userstyle'] =  'Override user style';
$lang['defaultlang'] =  'Default Language';	
$lang['dates'] =  'Date Format';	
$lang['timezone'] =  'System Timezone'; 	
$lang['gziping'] =  'GZip Compression';
$lang['forumprune'] =  'Forum Pruning';
$lang['cookie'] =  'Cookie settings';
$lang['cookiedomain'] =  'Cookie domain'; 	
$lang['cookiename'] =  'Cookie name';
$lang['cookiepath'] =  'Cookie path';	
$lang['cookesecure'] =  'Cookie secure';
$lang['cookielenth'] =  'Session length';
//Private Message
$lang['private'] =  'Private Messaging';
$lang['privbox'] =  'Max posts in Inbox';	
$lang['privsentbox'] =  'Max posts in Sentbox';	
$lang['privsavebox'] =  'Max posts in Savebox';
//User and Forum Basic Settings
$lang['userforumset'] =  'User and Forum Basic Settings';
$lang['pollnumber'] =  'Max number of poll options';  	
$lang['allowhtml'] =  'Allow HTML';
$lang['htmltages'] =  'Allowed HTML tags';
$lang['allowbbcode'] =  'Allow BBCode';
$lang['allowsimiles'] =  'Allow Smilies';
$lang['similepath'] =  'Smilies Storage Path';	
$lang['allowsig'] =  'Allow Signatures';
$lang['siglength'] =  'Maximum signature length';
$lang['sigchar'] =  'Characters in user signatures';	
$lang['namechange'] =  'Allow Username changes';
$lang['avaterset'] =  'Avatar Settings';
$lang['avatergall'] =  'Enable gallery avatars';
$lang['remoteavater'] =  'Enable remote avatars';
$lang['upavater'] =  'Enable avatar uploading';
$lang['avatersize'] =  'Maximum Avatar File Size';
$lang['avaterdim'] =  'Maximum Avatar Dimensions';
$lang['avaterpath'] =  'Avatar Storage Path';
$lang['avatergallpath'] =  'Avatar Gallery Path';
$lang['coppaset'] =  'COPPA Settings';
$lang['coppafax'] =  'COPPA Fax Number';  	
$lang['coppamail'] =  'COPPA Mailing Address';
//Email Settings
$lang['setemail'] =  'Email Settings';
$lang['adminemail'] =  'Admin Email Address';  	
$lang['emailsig'] =  'Email Signature';	
$lang['mailsmtp'] =  'Use SMTP Server for email';
$lang['smtpsever'] =  'SMTP Server Address'; 	
$lang['smtpname'] =  'SMTP Username';	
$lang['smtppass'] =  'SMTP Password';
//Profile Info
//Reg. Info
$lang['regisinfo'] =  'Registration Information';
$lang['regusername'] =  'Username';	
$lang['useremail'] =  'E-mail address'; 	
$lang['userpass'] =  'New password';	
$lang['userpasscon'] =  'Confirm password';
//Profile Info
$lang['profileinfo'] =  'Profile Information';
$lang['icqnumber'] =  'ICQ Number'; 	
$lang['aimname'] =  'AIM Address'; 	
$lang['msnmess'] =  'MSN Messenger'; 	
$lang['yahoom'] =  'Yahoo Messenger'; 	
$lang['uwebsite'] =  'Website'; 	
$lang['locat'] =  'Location'; 	
$lang['job'] =  'Occupation'; 	
$lang['intrest'] =  'Interests'; 	
$lang['sign'] =  'Signature';
//User Preferences
$lang['prefer'] =  'Preferences';
$lang['show email'] =  'Show my e-mail address';
$lang['onlinestatus'] =  'Hide your online status'; 
$lang['notifyme'] =  'Notify me of replies'; 
$lang['notifypm'] =  'Notify new Private Message'; 
$lang['popuppm'] =  'Private Message Pop-up Window';
$lang['sigattach'] =  'Attach my signature';
$lang['aallowbb'] =  'Always allow BBCode';
$lang['aallowwhtml'] =  'Always allow HTML';
$lang['aallowsmile'] =  'Always enable Smilies';
$lang['boardlang'] =  'Board Language'; 	
$lang['boardstyle'] =  'Board Style'; 	
$lang['timezones'] =  'Timezone'; 	
$lang['formatdata'] =  'Date Format';
$lang['avatercp'] =  'Avatar control panel';
$lang['delteava'] =  'Delete Image';
//Speical Admin-only
$lang['profileadmin'] =  'Special admin-only fields';
$lang['useract'] =  'User is active';
$lang['sendpm'] =  'Send Private Messages';
$lang['seeavater'] =  'Display Avatars';
$lang['userankt'] =  'Rank Title'; 	
$lang['userdelet'] =  'Delete User';
Зарание спосибо!
phpBB 1.2.0
Сообщения: 16
Стаж: 18 лет 11 месяцев

Сообщение Jack »

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